Critical Risks Management
Critical risks are things that can seriously harm or kill you in the workplace.
Has your business identified it's critical risks?
Line Marking Guidance
Enhance safety and efficiency at your commercial or industrial site with this comprehensive guide to standardised line markings. Developed in collaboration with the retail sector and supply chain, this guide provides clear, uniform standards to improve visual communication and reduce accidents.
Drivers Safety Guide
ShopCare and AA collaborated to create a guide that is designed to help organisations manage the risks associated with light passenger driver safety. It provides comprehensive insights and practical solutions for identifying and controlling critical risks in work-related vehicle travel.
Retail Supply Chain Critical Risk Exposure Report
In the first ever industry review, we have collected critical risks from multiple retail, manufacturing, and supply chain businesses. This represents over 130,000 workers.
Understanding critical risks are essential for all businesses. It helps ensure businesses are focusing on managing the most important risks that are key to protecting people. These risks can have the most serious consequences, including causing loss of life, serious or permanent harm as well as the financial and productivity implications to New Zealand businesses and ACC.
Until now there has been very limited industry-wide view on the best way to eliminate or reduce critical risks, or even what the current critical risks, and their impacts are. Many businesses in the manufacturing, retail, wholesale and road transport sectors are already taking steps to manage their critical risks, but this is all happening independently leaving some to develop their own solutions.
ShopCare sees an opportunity to add value by identifying, developing, and sharing good practices for eliminating, reducing and managing critical risks common in areas of manufacturing, retail, wholesale and road transport. This will save individual businesses time, and costs and will support the sectors to improve their health and safety performance.
ShopCare has a dedicated critical risk workstream and part of the workstream is to obtain a current view of the critical risks within the industry. Here are some insights from the publicly available report. Overall, fatalities are in a slow decline, but the road transport sector still has the highest number of fatalities as well as an average of 188 days off work in 2021 per “weekly compensation injury claim”. This is the time required by a road transport worker on average to recover from a ‘severe injury’
sustained at work.
The industry average days off work per “weekly compensation injury claim” for 2021 is 134 days. Over the past 6 years, the increase in injury claims is not simply being driven by an increase in the workforce population. Critical risk-related injury claims have risen by 7.8% whilst the workforce in the industry is on a decline by 0.99%. So even with fewer workers in the market, the rate of critical risk-related injuries is on the rise.
ShopCare has taken an intervention logic approach to reduce the overall industry risk of critical risk-related injuries. We envisage the following outcomes:
Leveraged learnings
Improved performance in individual businesses
Improved consistency and standards across the supply chain
A wider understanding of what critical risk is and actions
Increased uptake of action in non-critical risk areas with high impact e.g., Musculoskeletal injury prevention, etc.
The workstream continues to drive a campaign to share as much as possible on tools and guidance to support the industry. ShopCare continues to share knowledge and driving engagement through webinars, online events, formal insights and other collaborations will support the process of creating safer workplaces. We are committed to moving the dial and deliver better industry outcomes.
We have identified the 7 most common critical risks. For each critical risk, the bullet points indicate the most common risks within that category, as reported by industry members see below
Site Traffic Management
Collision events - vehicle vs pedestrian
Collision events - vehicle vs vehicle
Collision events - vehicle vs fixed object
Hazardous Substances
Handling of hazardous substances
Transport of hazardous substances
Anhydrous ammonia refrigeration
On Road Driving Safety
High and low-speed vehicle vs vehicle
High and low-speed vehicle vs pedestrian
Grey fleet
Working at Heights
Mobile Plant and Equipment
Loading & unloading of trucks and MPE
Working with MPE
High & low-speed vehicle vs vehicle
Vehicle vs Pedestrian
Vehicle vs terrain
Machine Safety and Guarding
Entanglement & crushing
Automated & robotic machines
Transport, Trucks
High & low-speed vehicle vs vehicle
Dock operations
Vehicle vs Pedestrian
Fatigue / Impairment
The hierarchy of control (HOC) is a system for controlling risks in the workplace. It is a step-by-step approach to eliminating or reducing risks and ranks risk controls from the highest level of protection and reliability through to the lowest and least reliable protection.
Here are some examples of the hierarchy of controls that you can use in your risk management