Critical risks (any risks that could cause significant harm or loss of life) should be a top priority for any business in considering controls to safeguard workers. Lots of great solutions are developed at a business level in silos, but very rarely get shared wider than the business itself.
Recordings available to view
Security & Personal Safety with Jemima Briggs, General Manager at First Security Watch video
Personal Safety & Security with Paul Walsh Partner at QRisk NZ & Crowded Places Strategy with Craig Webb MD at RUSEC Ltd.
Burnout in the workplace with Sarah McGuiness, Founder and CEO of Revolutionaries of Wellbeing (ROW) Watch video
The Power of Health, Safety, and Wellbeing Engagement, with John Peachy, Chief People Mechanic with The Think Farm.
Hand/ Arm Vibration Syndrome with Jason Johnstone, CEO of Vibration Action Watch video
Mental Wellbeing By Design With Hillary Bennett, Director of Leading Safety Watch video
How to Keep Your Lone Workers Safe. With Petra Hakansson, CEO of Guardian Angel Safety Watch video
Heat Stressors within the workplace With Derek Miller Occupational Hygienist Watch video
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Share your knowledge and contribute to safer New Zealand workplaces
Are you a subject matter expert on one of the topics below?
Are you a health and safety practitioner, or have a passion for health, safety, and wellbeing?
Do you seek a platform to share your ideas and experiences and give back to the community/industry?
ShopCare is hosting short informal industry sharing sessions, which are discussions focused on the below broad critical risks. These sessions are open to everyone and free to attend and we are now seeking speakers to lead the discussions
Get in touch with us today to discuss potential opportunities.
​Benefits of being a speaker:
Giving back to the community by knowledge sharing with others in the industry: help to communicate solutions to keep workers safer sooner.
Create an opportunity for learning and development
Test a presentation for a conference on a smaller group
Receive a certificate recognizing your contribution
Proposed Critical Risk Topics
Site Traffic Management
Working At Heights
Transport (Road) /Heavy Goods Vehicles:
Chain of Responsibility
Long-Term Exposure:
Temperature, etc.
Psychosocial Harm
Personal Safety & Security
Speaker Format:
A small amount of preparation is required for the sessions, and we encourage all participants to contribute to the interactive discussion. 15–20-minute speaker sessions are suggested but not essential. Each sharing session will last up to one hour, and we look for 2-3 speakers for each one. If you anticipate the example you wish to share deserves more time, we can accommodate this.
If you are interested in being a speaker, or would like more information, contact us now or 027 545 4837.