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Sector Groups

These Sector Group organisations like ShopCare, are official industry bodies supporting best practice Health, Safety and Wellness actions in the workplace. All are funded by a mix of government grants and industry support. Our shared purpose is to work with all levels of industry to reduce harm and create safer workplaces for everyone.


The Health and Safety Association of New Zealand (HASANZ) is the umbrella organisation representing workplace health and safety professions in New Zealand.
An incorporated society, HASANZ aims to raise professional standards across the sector whilst connecting businesses with trusted health and safety professionals.


The Business Leaders' Health and Safety Forum is a coalition of business and government leaders committed to improving the performance of workplace health and safety in New Zealand. Our focus is to make workplaces safer by growing world-class CEO safety leadership in New Zealand, and by leveraging the combined skill, influence and resources of members. 


The Government Health and Safety Lead is a small team tasked with providing practical support to chief executives and senior leaders of government agencies to enable their personal leadership of health and safety for the benefit of all New Zealanders.



Construction Health and Safety New Zealand (CHASNZ), a charitable trust developed in 2018 with the objective of improving the lives of construction workers by raising the standard of health and safety culture and performance across the construction industry in New Zealand.

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Horticulture New Zealand (HortNZ) advocates for and represents the interests of the country’s more than 6000 commercial fruit and vegetable growers. 

HortNZ has a role to lead and support growers through change to improve the safety and wellbeing of everyone working in horticulture. 

Growers can find health and safety information related to horticulture on HortNZ’s and WorkSafe’s websites, or they can visit their product group’s website for information. 

Growers who would like direct assistance can find qualified health and safety consultants on the Health and Safety Association of New Zealand (HSANZ) or New Zealand Institute of Safety Management (NZISM) websites.


The Forest Industry Safety Council (FISC) has been established in response to the Independent Forestry Safety Review (IFSR). 

Our overall objective is zero fatalities and serious harm: Together towards zero. There is a real opportunity to work in partnership and embrace the new health and safety legislation as a way to think differently about achieving safe outcomes.

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